Optimize energy usage and cut costs with AgWind's screening solutions

Our Mission

We’re all about working hand-in-hand with communities to boost energy efficiency, cut down on carbon emissions, and provide proven cost effective energy solutions. Our goal is to bring you smart, easy-to-use energy tools that not only save you some cash but also do right by our planet.

Our Team

Our team of experienced energy distributed wind professionals are dedicated to helping communities achieve their sustainability goals.


Our Services

AgWind makes it a breeze to understand the energy potential of any location, no matter where you are. With our user-friendly site analysis screening, you can easily discover how your spot stacks up for wind energy.

Introducing AgWind - HeroX Video Submission

DWEA is partnering with a variety of industry and community-based representatives to pilot and scale AgWind technical assistance services to jump start on-site wind development. Expected impacts include reduced project costs and better overall performance, shorter permitting wait times, faster installation turnarounds, and increased consumer awareness and credibility, all resulting in greater adoption.

Explore More

Choosing the Right Turbine

Be sure to compare turbines to find the best match for your needs.

Certified Turbines

Zoning for Distributed Wind

Identifying the hurdles for establishing a wind turbine can be difficult. Learn more about these difficulties and how to address them here.

Environmental Impacts

While being a great source of renewable energy, wind turbines can also impact the local environment where they are placed. While there are bird casualties, it’s an improvement when compared to the impact of fossil fuels.